Note that upside-down slabs can be used for the same purpose, and are easier to obtain. This makes glowstone effective for vertical diodes, logic gate designs, and space-efficient instant vertical redstone. Redstone wire, even though it may appear to connect up the side of a glowstone block and to the wire portion on top, does not send a redstone signal down the glowstone block. When placing redstone dust on a glowstone block, being a transparent block, signals can pass from one block to another diagonally. Lamp B is off as the signal would have to go down the glowstone, which is not possible. Lamp A is powered because the redstone signal travels up the glowstone block. Glowstone can also generate as a part of hoglin stable bastion remnants.Ī glowstone block can transmit power up, but not down. They can be found in every Nether biome, although they are significantly rarer in soul sand valleys, because the ceiling of this biome is made of soul sand or soul soil below which glowstone blobs cannot generate they can still occasionally generate in caves and canyons in this biome, because the ceiling is made of netherrack. Glowstone occurs naturally only in the Nether, where it generates in crystalline blobs on the underside of ceilings or overhangs. A naturally occurring blob of glowstone in the underside of netherrack.